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Charleston White | Net Worth, All About His Finances

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Charleston White from Texas plays a variety of roles. He is a motivational speaker, YouTuber, social media influencer, and entrepreneur. Despite his celebrity, many saw him as a one-hit wonder and viral success for a brief period of time. Some others predicted that White would collapse soon. Charleston, after all, had a criminal history. He was imprisoned for several years on the charge of murder. Charleston was also associated with gangs.

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However, White would walk away from his past, gaining a sizable following on sites such as YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter. Charleston now focuses on skills learned from his previous life as a motivational speaker. All of his consulting work has brought him millions at times, and it appears from his interviews that White earns a nice living.

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Unlike other celebrities, White has been quite vocal about money and has at times disclosed his previous financial situation, which, according to the social media artist, has been up and down multiple times. So, how much money does he have and how wealthy is he? Scroll down to find the answers.

Charleston White’s Net Worth

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Although White has been forthcoming about his big financial achievements, he has yet to reveal how wealthy he is or the scope of his net worth. Regardless, many people perceive him to be a millionaire.

Whatever the situation may be, White has confessed that he lives a decent life, particularly in terms of money, and that he makes a lot of it.

I’m currently living comfortably in the…. and earning a lot of money.

said the former gang boss during an interview with RealLyfe Productions in late October 2022.

Charleston White is more concerned with building relationships with people than with making money.

In the same interview, White stated that he prefers to focus on creating relationships with people over collecting money since the ex-child criminal believes the latter would last longer than a ‘huge lump sum of money.’

Further explaining, the motivational speaker stated that he grew up believing God lives in relationships.

Charleston doesn’t even allow super conversations when he goes live on YouTube. While speaking with Say Cheese in July 2022, White revealed that while he supports people tipping waiters, he doesn’t think it’s vital when it comes to him.

All the 52-year-old appears to desire is his audience’s eyes and ears.

Further explaining, White stated that because the majority of his audience consists of single mothers and unemployed individuals, he does not feel comfortable collecting super chats from them.

White also stated that he understands how to commercialize his work even if YouTube or Facebook do not permit it.

Charleston does not even request payment for the interviews.

In less than two years, White earned more than $2 million.

White stated to Say Cheese in December 2021 that year he made more money than he had in his entire life. And it doesn’t include any possible super chat revenue, which the video producer does not allow on his YouTube channel.

During the Q&A, Charleston stated that he received more hostility from the audience outside. As a result, the Baby Blu admitted to spending additional money on firearms, bullets, ammunition, bulletproof jackets, helmets, and other protection gear.

Charleston said he had made almost $2 million via the internet alone in two years exactly a year later, in December 2022, while speaking with the same interviewer, Say Cheese.

Charleston claims that for the first few months on YouTube, he earned $16,000 each month.

What is White’s source of income?

Despite the fact that the Texas Wesleyan University alumnus is recognized for not making money a priority, it begs the issue of how he makes money.

According to White, the majority of his earnings comes from branding, marketing, and advertising. He also claims to be well-versed in these dynamics.

He also sells his own clothing and has an online fashion store.

The founder/CEO once stated that he wanted to discover other ways to make money since he didn’t want to be only reliant on social media money after being demonized by the platforms on multiple occasions. He also prefers to maintain his freedom of expression while using social media, as making money on YouTube and other such platforms is challenging.

In fact, Charleston has lost nearly a sold-out event as a result of his position.

Charleston White Profession; Spent Years in Jail As A Child

At the age of 14, White participated in the murder of a guy who confronted them for stealing a jacket.

Charleston admits he was the murderer even though he did not pull the trigger. White would then do his sentence in various juvenile facilities and prisons until 1998. He has never been to prison or broken any laws since.

White is currently a motivational speaker and social media influencer.

He is also the founder and CEO of HYPE (Helping Young People Excel). The organization’s goal is to educate kids and guide them away from a life of crime.

The organization has also worked with members of one of Texas’ largest Hispanic gangs.

According to his LinkedIn, White now has a wife and two children.

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