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Courteney Cox got engaged at Jennifer Anistons house, her daughter helped

Courteney Cox was a guest on Jimmy Kimmel’s show last night, where they were celebrating the 20th anniversary, to the day, of the first time that Friends aired. I am SO OLD. This wasn’t the first nod on Kimmel to the somewhat historic date. About three weeks ago, Courteney, Jennifer and Lisa Kudrow did a little sketch, complete with a replica of the Friends kitchen, in which they read some Friends fan fiction that Kimmel claims to have written. (That video is here.)

It’s hard to watch video of Courteney without focusing on her face. Only her lips move. Anyway Courteney talked a little bit about Friends, about her engagement this June to Snow Patrol musician Johnny McDaid, 38, and about her post-engagement vacation. For once she wasn’t recognized by people and it bummed her out. Here’s more, thanks to E! They did a nice job of transcribing the interview and they have the videos too.

On how no one wanted her “Friends” hair, they all wanted the Rachel
Jennifer Aniston became famous for “The Rachel” haircut, but “The Monica” never took off. “It kind of bums me out. Why didn’t they?” Cox asked. “I mean, we had the same hairdresser! I don’t understand…I just kept changing mine. I was like, if you don’t like it, then I’ll just keep doing it. Nothing ever stuck.”

Her boyfriend proposed by asking her daughter to help
“Johnny first asked [my daughter] Coco. He said, ‘I’d like to marry your mom,’ and gave her a little diamond ring. She said, ‘Great, I’m going to camp tomorrow. Let’s do it right now.’ So, they decided they wanted to do it that night because we were leaving for Turks and Caicos and she was going to camp,” the actress explained. “We went to Jen’s house for dinner because it was Coco’s birthday and she was godmom. They made a plan to count down from three and when they got to one, he was gonna get down on his knee and say, ‘Will you marry me?’ and she was gonna say, ‘Will you marry him?’ They planned it out. They found the perfect tree that branches that led to one trunk. It was just beautiful.”

“We went to Jen’s house. No one knew this was going to happen because it was just a dinner for, essentially, me and Coco. Coco got a little bored, as she does, and right after we were at the bar having a drink, she said, ‘Three!’ Johnny’s like, ‘No, not now!’ So she’s like, ‘All right,” she recalled. “So, then we go to dinner and there’s a salad course or whatever and she’s like, ‘Oh, my God!’ and hits the salad glass, ‘Three!’ She kept jumping the gun. Finally she waited until after dinner. She was literally about to fall asleep.”

She only got recognized once in Turks and Caicos
Cox tried to befriend people to no avail. “I could not make a friend! I tried so hard! It must’ve been my hair,” she joked. “No one wanted to talk to me so it was really bad. I was like, ‘Gosh! Monica! Friends!’ Nothing!” On the last day, she said, “Someone swam up to me and said, ‘I just want to say I’m a big fan of Friends. Can I get a picture?’ I’m like, ‘Are you kidding? A picture! We’re eating lunch together!'”

[From E! Online]

Maybe she wasn’t getting recognized because she looks so different now. I say that without intending snark, it’s just objectively true.

That’s a cute story about how her boyfriend proposed. The way she explained it, it was Coco’s birthday (that would have been in mid June) and they were at Jennifer Aniston’s house celebrating, because Aniston is Coco’s godmother. I didn’t think that Aniston and Courteney were close anymore, but they’re still hanging out occasionally, which is surprising to me. It’s also surprising that Courteney got engaged in mid June. She got engaged right before her vacation, which means that she waited a couple of weeks to announce it, as the press suspected at the time.

I’m glad that Courteney is doing well and that she’s happy now. I would still watch a Friends reunion or movie! I doubt it’s going to happen though.

Here’s video of Courteney explaining how her fiance proposed.



Courteney Cox & Johnny McDaid Are Engaged!!

Photo credit: and FameFlynet
