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Like a brainiac

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• To feel a lively, pungent local pain; -- said of some part of the body as the seat of irritation; as, my finger smarts; these wounds smart. • To feel a pungent pain of mind; to feel sharp pain or grief; to suffer; to feel the sting of evil. • To cause a smart in. • Quick, pungent, lively pain; a pricking local pain, as the pain from puncture by nettles. Read More...

loenneke, jeremy p. low intensity blood flow restriction training: a meta-analysis

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HomeThe Advantages of Blood Flow Constraint Numerous patients in our physical treatment clinic are not able to lift heavy weights often since of pain, immobilization, or because of surgery. Blood Flow Restriction (BFR) Training can be an excellent rehabilitation tool because it allows clients to profit of an intense heavy weight-lifting session while only requiring the patient to carry out low-to moderate-intensity training - loenneke, jeremy p. low intensity blood flow restriction training: a meta-analysis. Read More...

Oronde Gadsden Net Worth, Income, Salary, Earnings, Biography

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Oronde Benjamin Gadsden (pronounced o-RON-day) is a former professional American football player who played for the Miami Dolphins from 1998 to 2003. He was born on August 20, 1971 in Charleston, South Carolina. He played wide receiver for the Dallas Cowboys, Pittsburgh Steelers, and Frankfurt Galaxy of the NFLE, as well as the Arena Football League’s Portland Forest Dragons, where he earned Rookie of the Year, before signing as a free agent with the Dolphins. Read More...


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