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Why are AGT fans "confused" after human ventriloquist Emily Bland's performance in Episode 10?

NBC's AGT returned with an all-new entertaining episode on Tuesday night that featured the last few auditions for this season. While viewers and judges have come across many ventriloquists in previous seasons, this week's opening act was a unique kind of improvisational ventriloquism that many haven't seen or heard of before. It was so surprising that it not only left viewers confused but judge Simon Cowell as well.

Episode 10 of AGT, titled Auditions End and Judge Deliberations, introduced viewers to Emily Bland. She walked onto the stage like any other normal contestant but would leave viewers shocked by the end of her performance.

The contestant mentioned that she worked as a front desk clerk at a hotel and gave the judges a hearty laugh right from the start. Because of her sense of humor, they assumed that she was a comedian. But the AGT contestant revealed that she was auditioning as a singer. When they asked her who her inspiration was, Emily revealed that it was Garth Brooks. While the judges were eager to see how she performed, they were stunned the moment she began singing.

Emily chose to sing Josh Turner's Your Man. But what surprised the judges was the tone of her voice. Although it was Emily singing, she sounded like the original male singer Josh Turner. Judges Sofia Vergara, Heidi Klum, Howie Mandel, and Simon Cowell were astonished. They struggled to figure out if it was Emily singing.

The song soon came to an end, and when the judges asked her how it went, she replied in Josh's voice, claiming she thought it went well. The judges were once again dumbfounded. Before they could tell her anything else, Emily's husband joined her on the stage, and the judges were able to piece things together.

The judges figured out that it was Emily's husband singing, and the AGT contestant was his human dummy. This made them a human ventriloquist duo. The judges were so taken up that they asked her to lipsync what they were saying, and Emily didn't miss a beat when it came to any of the judges.

Hiedi Klum tried to throw her off by speaking in German, but Emily managed to ace that too, even though she did not speak the language. The judges were immediately impressed with the AGT contestant. Howie, Heidi, and Sofia gave her a yes.

But Simon was so stunned that he was left confused. He ended up saying that he was giving her a question mark, claiming this was the first time he was so confused he couldn't make a decision.

Emily received three definite yes's and moved on to the next round of the competition. However, it remains to be seen if she will advance to the live shows.

Fans who watched the episode were as confused as Simon and took to social media to share their thoughts on the performance.

Fans left confused after Emily Bland's ventriloquist performance in AGT Season 17 Episode 10

Taking to Twitter, fans shared that they were confused. However, many felt that her performance was interesting and unique.

AGT airs every Tuesday night at 8:00 pm ET only on NBC. Readers can check their local listings for more information.

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